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MIT Sloan School, Building E62

The Sloan School’s new home strengthens its identity and gives its community an improved sense of place, while promoting academic and social interaction and collaboration.

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Building E62 facade photo

MIT Sloan School, Building E62

100 Main Street, Cambridge, MA

Status: Complete

Themes: Innovation and collaboration
Renovation and renewal
Enhancement of life and learning

Completion: 2010

The Sloan School’s new home strengthens its identity and gives its community an improved sense of place, while promoting academic and social interaction and collaboration.


Building E62 facade photo
Building E62 facade photo
Building E62 facade photo
Building E62 lobby photo
Building E62 exterior photo



Completion Date


Themes and priorities

Innovation and collaboration
Renovation and renewal
Enhancement of life and learning

Building E62 – the Sloan School of Management’s new home – strengthens the Sloan School by providing a nexus for academic and social exchange, promoting ease of interaction among all members of the Sloan community. By consolidating Sloan faculty, the building also promotes academic collaboration and enhances research efforts.

The building’s layout connects it to Buildings E52 and E60, improving service access to all MIT facilities on the block and incorporating both older buildings in a unified expression around an elevated outdoor terrace along Memorial Drive. This unification helps to create a stronger and more appealing visual identity for MIT along the eastern edge of campus.

An environmentally sustainable structure that has achieved LEED Gold certification, Building E62 incorporates a high-performance envelope with operable windows in office areas, (partial) green roof, low-wattage lighting, demand ventilation, occupancy sensor controls, water-based terminal heating and cooling units, and easy access to usable outdoor spaces. The underground garage, which has facilities for Zipcars, is also designed to provide a large area of enclosed bicycle parking and support facilities for cyclists. Other bike parking is distributed around the site.

Image credits

Melody Craven, Richard Quade, Andy Ryan



100 Main Street, Cambridge, MA

Renewal Status


School or Unit

Sloan School of Management (Sloan)



Project Team

ArchitectMoore Ruble Yudell Architects & Planners, lead designers Santa Monica, CA; Bruner/Cott Architects, Cambridge, MA
MIT team:  Frank Higson, Cindy Hill, Milan Pavlinic, and Richard Quade


215,000 gsf, with 190,000 gsf underground garage

Design Features

  • 205 offices, 6 classrooms, over 30 group study rooms, dining, Executive Education suite, lounge areas, and new, usable outdoor spaces, including a rebuild of Sloan Plaza
  • Connects with Buildings E52 and E60, improving service access to all MIT facilities on the block and incorporating both older buildings in a unified expression along Memorial Drive
  • Underground garage

Sustainable Design Elements

  • Brownfield redevelopment
  • Light pollution reduction
  • Operable windows to provide natural ventilation and individual control
  • Sunshades and screens on the southern façade of the building to improve daylighting while reducing solar heat gain
  • Daylighting controls on lighting and window shades to reduce the energy use of the building
  • Irrigation system connected to central weather station for minimization of watering
  • Low-flow urinals, toilets, showers, and other measures that will reduce the buildings water use by 20 percent
  • Storm water filtration system to improve the quality of water that reaches the Charles River
  • Low-emitting materials including adhesives, sealants, paints, and carpets


LEED Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council, 2011

